Energy & Sustainability Strategy

Facility owners and operators are now inundated with a wide range of energy savings technology and service offerings.  As the green technology market is still immature, there is no clear strategy that defines the best route to success – leading to the question “Where do I start?”.

Based on the success of the eDecisions Energy & Sustainability (E&S) Strategy process, this paper outlines an approach to assess a range of solution options and to develop a “Detailed Energy Audit and Energy Management Plan”, answering questions like:

  • Which solutions are right for my facility? 
  • How do I assess all the options? 
  • How do I maintain control over my facility? 
  • How do I know I am getting the forecasted benefits?

eDecisions develops these comprehensive energy and environmental management strategies for companies, municipalities and communities. As a fully independent organization, we provide objectivity in measuring the energy needs at a facility and assessing the financial and environmental feasibility of energy efficiency solution options.

In order to support the development of E&S strategies, eDecisions has developed an Energy Efficiency Economic Simulator which assesses the feasibility of a wide range and combination of energy efficiency solutions. For existing buildings, eDecisions will work with building owners and building managers to develop an energy model for their facilities.  For new construction projects, the eDecisions team will leverage the design phase energy model.  These models are then used to evaluate the economic and environmental impact of solution options.

Download  an overview of the methodology here.

A Methodology for Conducting Energy Audits